chamber music / ensemble

Abbasi, Anahita (*1985): Faab IV / a femme fatale for flute, clarinet, violin, viola, violoncello, piano (2016)

Abbasi, Anahita (*1985): within Hadal & Epi for ensemble (2022)

Van der Aa, Michel (*1970): Mask for ensemble and soundtrack (2006)

Abram, Omri (*1986): Ice Flow for two bass flutes (UA, 2016)

Adámek, Ondřej (*1979): Ça tourne ça bloque for ten instruments and sampler (2007/08)

Àdes, Thomas (*1971): Living Toys for chamber ensemble (1993)

Ali-Sade, Frangis (*1947): Three Watercolours for soprano, flute and piano (1987) 

Ammann, Dieter (*1962): The Freedom of Speech for (bass)flute, bass clarinet, violin, violoncello, piano and percussion (1995/6)

Andre, Mark (*1964): asche for five instruments (2004)

Andre, Mark (*1964): Zum Staub sollst du zurückkehren for seven instruments (2005)

Andrès, Bernard (*1941): Narthex for flute and harp (1971)

Andriessen, Louis (*1939): Workers Union for any loud-sounding group of instruments (1975)

Arul, Victor (*2002): 90,004 geese at your doorstep for ensemble (2023, UA)

Asuroglu, Utku (*1986): yES I dOESN’T for ensemble (2016)

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750): Trio Sonata from the Musical Offering BWV 1079

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750): Johannes Passion

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel (1714-1788): Trio Sonata in c minor ‘Sanguineus & Melancholicus’ Wq 161:1 / H.579 

Baldi, Zeno (*1988): Copia Carbone (UA, 2022)

Barrios Mangoré, Agustín Pío (1885-1944): Villancico de Navidad (arr. for flute and guitar) (1943)

Bauck, Martin Rane (*1988): dnb for bass flute, bass koto and shoebox (UA, 2015) 

Bauckholt, Carola (*1959): Hirn & Ei for percussion quartet (2010/11)

Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770–1827): Duo in G major for two flutes WoO 26

Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827): Duo in C major for clarinet and bassoon (arr. for flute and alto flute) WoO 27,1

Bellusci, Laura (*1994): Spektraldichte for ensemble and live-electronics (UA, 2024)

Benjamin, Sir George William John (*1960): Octet (1978)

Bernal, Alberto: No-Studies 1b for ensemble and video (2013)

Bialas, Günter (1907-1995): Haiku – Folge I for soprano and flute (1972)

Bisatz, Leandro (*2001): Covert Caper for flute and violin (UA, 2021)

Bladt, Saskia (*1981): morphé [white echos] for ensemble (UA, 2018) 

Boulez, Pierre (1925-2016): Dérive 1 for ensemble (1984)

Bozza, Eugène Joseph (1905-1991): Trois Pièces for flute and guitar (1977)

Bruno do Nascimento, Giordano (*1981): Glasgarten (Das System im Gleichgewicht) for flute, bass clarinet, violin, cello and video (UA) (2024)

Burkhard, Willy (1900-1955): Serenade for flute and guitar op. 71/3 (1944)

Cage, John (1912-1992): Ryoanji for flute and ensemble (1983/85)

Cage, John (1912-1992): Atlas Eclipticalis for ensemble (1962)

Cage, John (1912-1992): Hymnkus for chamber ensemble (1986)

Cage, John (1912-1992): Music for Wind Instruments (1961)

Cánovas Parés, Helena (*1994): four readers for 4 performers, 4 chairs and 4 books (2018)

Caplet, André (1878-1925): Viens! Une flûte invisible soupire for voice, flute and piano (1900)

Carter, Elliott (1908-2012): Enchanted Preludes for flute and cello (1988)

Carter, Elliott (1908-2012): Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II for flute, clarinet and marimba (1994)

Cambini, Giuseppe Maria Gioacchino (1746-ca. 1825): Six Flute Sonatas for flute and basso 

Call, Leonhard von (1767-1815): Flute Trio in e minor op. 31

Carpenter, Gary (*1951): Mondrian - Concerto for harpsichord and six players (2019)

Carter, Elliott (1908-2012): Asko Concerto for ensemble (2000)

Castelló, Angélica (*1972): Isla de Hornos for four players, trashy instruments and tape (2017)

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario (1895-1968): Sonatina for flute and guitar op. 205 (1965)

de Castro-Robinson, Eve (*1956): Chaos of Delight IV for flute/piccolo and bassoon (2008)

Chandler, Christopher: Smoke and Mirrors for (alto) flute, saxophone, violin, cello, piano, percussion and tape (2013)

Charpy, Pierre-Adrien (*1972): Matar, no te mataria for soprano and flute (2009)

Chen, Haosi Howard (*1991): durchkomponiert V for ensemble (UA, 2018) 

Ciceri, Carlo (*1980): Aspra for acoustic ensemble (2012)

Coleman, Valerie (*1971): Rubisphere for wind trio (2012)

Colțea, Victor Alexandru (*1986): Zorile de afară for voice and alto flute (UA, 2015)

Colțea, Victor Alexandru (*1986): Unisons for alto flute, saxophone, violin, cello, piano and percussion

Colțea, Victor Alexandru (*1986): HYPERARTificial for (bass) flute, tenor saxophone, violin, cello, piano and percussion (UA) (2022)

Connesson, Guillaume (*1970): Techno Parade for flute, clarinet and piano (2002)

Copeland, Darcy (*1996): flowers which bloom from blackened earth and poisoned air for ensemble and tape (2023) (UA)

Crumb, George (1929-2022): Vox balaenae for electric flute, electric cello and amplified piano (1971)

Czernowin, Chaya (*1957): Manoalchadia for bass flute and two female voices (1988)

Daugherty, Michael (*1954): Crystal for flute, alto flute and piano (2004)

Debussy, Claude (1862-1918): Sonata for flute, viola and harp (1916)

Debussy, Claude (1862-1918): The Little Negro for three flutes (arr. M. Berden) (1909)

De Falla, Manuel (1876-1946): Concerto for harpsichord and 5 instruments (1923-26)

De Pablo, Luis (1930-2021): Números for ensemble (2011)

De Pablo, Luis (1930-2021): Dibujos for flute, clarinet, violin and violoncello (1979/1980)

Diaz, Juan: Imkreis for flute and violin (UA, 2020)

Djordjević, Milica (*1984): Rdja for ensemble (2015)

Donatoni, Franco (1927-2000): Spiri for ten instruments (1977)

Dusapin, Pascal (*1955): Shin’gyô for soprano and piccolo (1981)

Ebrahimi, Ehsan (*1980): POLYpontes for ensemble, tape and live-electronics (UA, 2023)

Eckardstein, Severin von (*1978): Concerto for flute and orchestra (CHE/AE)

Eggert, Moritz (*1965): Hierarchie for 2 ensembles HV 263 (2019)

Eggert, Moritz (*1965): Kairosis - Interaktive Videooper (UA, 2021-2023)

Eimermacher, Hanna (*1981): Transparenz for 3 performers of glass bottles and tape (2002/03)

El-Turk, Bushra (*1982): Mannequin Losses for violin, cello, flute, clarinet, percussion, piano (2013)

Enescu, George (1881-1955): Dixtuor à vents in D major op. 14 (1906)

Eötvös, Péter (*1944): PSY for cimbalom, flute and violoncello (1996)

Erdmann-Abele, Veit (*1944): Five Short Stories for alto flute and percussion (UA, 2019)

Erdmann-Abele, Veit (*1944): Vier Rezitationen for soprano and flute (UA, 2019)

Escudero, Óscar (*1992)/Moreno-Gil, Belenish (*1993): Autotune para el Pueblo for ensemble, autotuned greek choir, ensemble, video & electronics (UA) (2022)

Fallah, Farzia (*1980): This Burning Mass - A Feast of Colours for ensemble (2022)

Fallah, Farzia (*1980): Unter Bewunderung der Farben for ensemble (2018/19)

Ferek-Petrić, Margareta (*1982): Wirrwarr Song Nr. 4: Vergänglichkeit for ensemble (2021)

Ferneyhough, Brian John Peter (*1943): Flurries for violin, cello, piccolo, clarinet, horn and piano (1997)

Ferneyhough, Brian John Peter (*1943): In Nomine a 3 for piccolo, oboe and clarinet (2001)

Filidei, Francesco (*1973): I Funerali dell’Anarchico Serantini for six players (2006)

Firsova, Jelena Olegowna (*1950): Capriccio for flute and saxophone quartet (1977)

Francesconi, Luca (*1956): A Fuoco for guitar and ensemble (1995)

Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard (1792-1852): Trio with Fugue in G major op. 22/2 for three flutes

Furrer, Beat (*1954): auf tönernen Füssen for voice and flute (2001)

Furrer, Beat (*1954):  Invocation VI for soprano and bass flute (2002/03)

Furrer, Beat (*1954): Gaspra for ensemble (1988)

Fukumaru, Koji (*1997): Ecton for 12 players (UA, 2018)

García Tomás, Raquel (*1984): Sightings for ensemble and video (UA, 2022)

Gasser, Ulrich (*1950): Torso for soprano (tenor) and flute (1981)

Gaubert, Philippe (1879-1941): Trois Aquarelles for flute, cello and piano (1915)

Giménez-Comas, Núria (*1980): L’ombre du rêve for ensemble and electronics (2011)

Ginastera, Alberto (1916-1983): Duo for flute and oboe op. 13 (1945)

Giuliani, Mauro (1781-1829): Märsche der verbündeten Mächte for flute and guitar (1814)

Giuliani, Mauro (1781-1829): Serenade for flute and guitar op. 127 (1830)

Giuliani, Mauro (1781-1829): Polonaise Concertante for flute and guitar

Giuliani, Mauro (1781-1829): Qual mesto gemito for flute and guitar

Glass, Philip (*1937): Glassworks for ensemble (1981)

Glerup, Rune (*1981): Dust encapsulated #2 for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello and piano (2009)

Glière, Reinhold Moritzewitsch (1875-1956): Huit Morceaux violin and violincello op. 39 (arr. for flute) (1909)

Globokar, Vinko (*1934): L’Exil No. 1 for soprano (tenor) and five instrumentalists (2012)

Gregorski, Roman (*2004): Gierarie from “Ars Nova” for soprano and ensemble (UA, 2024)

Grisey, Gérard (1946-1998): Vortex Temporum I, II, III for piano and five instruments (1994-96)

Grisey, Gérard (1946-1998): Talea for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello and piano (1985/86)

Grütter, Martin (*1983): Allheilmittel für Orchester mit Klavier und Hyperklavier (UA, 2017)

Gubaidulina, Sofia Asgatowna (*1931): Quartet for 4 flutes (1977)

Gubaidulina, Sofia Asgatowna (*1931): Concordanza for chamber ensemble (1971)

Guedes, Katia: Hitzetage for speaker (text by Matthias Nawrat), soprano, flute, clarinet, violin, cello (UA, 2024)

Guicheff Bogacz, Vladimir (*1986): Anwesend for ensemble, Zoom installation and multiple rooms (2022, UA)

Guicheff Bogacz, Vladimir (*1986): Rajá for ensemble (2021)

Guth, Maximilian (*1992): Kaleidoscopia for ensemble

Guth, Maximilian (*1992): Lux Perpetua (2019)

Hallik, Elis (*1986): to become a tree for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano (US premiere, 2016)

Händel/Guth, Maximilian: MissaSASAmbura (2016)

Harding, Hollie: by breath and bow for flute, clarinet, violin, cello (2017)

Haug, Hans (1900-1967): Capriccio for flute and guitar (1963)

Haven, Jonah (*1995): another ditch for alto flute, viola, and percussion (2018)

Haven, Jonah (*1995): you feel for me almost a loneliness — you wear me too for ensemble (2017)

Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732-1809): Trio in D major Hob XV:16 (1790)

Helm, Niklas (*2003): Morgue - Reflexion über drei Gedichte von Gottfried Benn for flute, trombone, and piano (UA, 2024)

Hennies, Sarah (*1979): Memory Box for 4 or more participants (2021)

Hildebrandt, Johannes K. (*1968): Absenz for flute, clarinet, violin and percussion (UA, 2021)

Hillborg, Anders (*1954): Vaporised Tivoli for mixed chamber ensemble (2010)

Hilli, Sebastian (*1990): Kohta for chamber ensemble (2013)

Holliger, Heinz (*1939): Schlafgewölk for alto flute (ad libitum with Japanese temple bells or vibraphone) (1984)

Hollaender, Friedrich (1896-1976): Wenn ich mir was wünschen dürfte (arr. N. Bernstein/Kornéev) (1931)

Honegger, Arthur (1892-1955): Concerto da camera for flute, english horn and string orchestra (H 196) (1948)

Hook, James (1746-1827): Six Trios for three flutes op. 83 (1797)

Hosokawa, Toshio (*1955): Birds Fragments III for bass flute/ piccolo and Shô (accordeon) (1990)

Huang, Ling-Hsuan (*1991): Isshaku for ensemble (UA, 2018) 

Huber, Klaus (1924-2017): Ein Hauch von Unzeit III for 2-7 players (free instrumentation) (1972)

Huber, Nicolaus Anton (*1939): Offenes Fragment for soprano, flute, guitar and percussion (1991)

Huber, Nicolaus Anton (*1939): Sechs Bagatellen for ensemble and CD (1981)

Huprikar, Annika: Alone Together for ensemble (UA, 2023)

Hvozdík, Samuel (*1993): Na mene nezáleží (UA, 2022)

Ibert, Jacques François Antoine (1890-1962): Entr’acte pour flute et harp (guitar) (1935)

Imahori, Takuya (*1987): De Avibus Dialogum for clarinet solo and ensemble (2017)

Inglin, Jonas (*1994): Choralvariationen for flute, saxophone, violoncello and percussion (UA, 2021)

Itō, Akira (*1991): Pulse Gimmick for ensemble (UA, 2018)

Iván, Sára (*1992): Fragment über die Hoffnung for flute and cello (UA,20 23)

Ives, Charles (1874-1954): Symphony No. 3 for small orchestra (1901, 1904, rev. 1908–11)

Ives, Charles (1874-1954): Central Park in the Dark for small orchestra (1906, 1909, rev. 1936)

Ives, Charles (1874-1954): Ragtime Dance No. 2 for small orchestra (1902–11, 1915–16, 1920–21)

Ives, Charles (1874-1954): Three Places in New England for small orchestra (1903–14, rev. 1916, 1929)

Ives, Charles (1874-1954): Washington‘s Birthday for small orchestra (1909–13, rev. 1915–17)

Ives, Charles (1874-1954): The Unanswered Question for small orchestra (1908, rev. 1930–35)

Ives, Charles (1874-1954): A Set of Pieces for small orchestra (1899–1906, 1915–16, rev. 1929–30)

Jaggi, Martin (*1978): float pieces for bass flute, alto saxophone, violin. violoncello, percussion and piano (UA, 2022)

Jazylbekova, Jamilia (*1971): Le Refus de l’enfermement III for flute, clarinet, bassoon, viola, and cello (2002)

Kagel, Maurizio Raúl (1931-2008): con voce für 3 stumme Spieler (1972)

Kagel, Maurizio Raúl (1931-2008): Ludwig Van, Hommage an Beethoven (1970)

Kagel, Maurizio Raúl (1931-2008): 10 Märsche (1978/79)

Kaiser, Alexander (*1985): [ˈprɪz(ə)m] for (bass)flute, saxophone, violin, violoncello, piano and percussion (2014)

Keller, Max E. (*1947): miteinander - zerfasern - verweigern for flute, bass clarinet, violin and percussion (UA, 2021)

Kim, Boyoung: Butterfly‘s Love Song for flute, cello and piano (UA, 2023)

Kim, Minhee (*1993): Ohne Titel for ensemble (UA, 2018)

Kobayashi, Sachie (*1990): être (UA, 2022)

Kocadayı, Mert: despaired – decayed – disappeared for flute, violoncello and piano (UA, 2016)

Kryeziu, Anda (*1993): Passport for voice, piccolo, tenor saxophone, guitar and piano (UA, 2015)

Kryeziu, Anda (*1993): Drei Geistesverfassungen for flute, violoncello and piano (UA, 2016)

Kuhlau, Friedrich Daniel Rudolf (1786-1832): Trio for three flutes

Kulke, Johanna (*1997): Melting Fantasy for flute, saxophone, violin and piano (UA, 2021)

Kummer, Johann Caspar (1795-1870): Trio in C major op. 53 for three flutes

Kuo, William (*1990): An Index to a Myriad of Unformed Futures for ensemble (UA, 2022)

Kwon, Gahyun: Matthew 5:4 for flute, clarinet, cello, piano (UA, 2023)

Lachenmann, Helmut (*1935): temA for flute, violoncello and mezzo soprano (1968)

Lancaster, Yaz: intangible landscapes for flute, bass clarinet, violin and piano (2020)

Lanzilotti, Leilehua (*1985): hānau ka ua for ensemble and tape (2021)

Laßmann, Moritz (*1987): Getriebe for ensemble (UA, 2018)

Läuffer, Jeannine (*1996): F12.37 for flute, tenor saxophone and percussion (UA, 2020)

Lazić, Tamara (*1988): War and peace for flute, accordion and tape (UA, 2015)

Lee, Yongbom (*1987): Fiction for ensemble (UA, 2018)

Lee, Yongbom (*1987): Dessin d’encre for flute, clarinet, violin, violincello, piano (2014-17)

Lee, Yongbom (*1987): Dépaysement for ensemble (UA, 2018)

Lee, Yongbom (*1987): A little Night Music for (bass)flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello, piano (DE, 2017)

Lee, Yongbom (*1987): Phonon for flute and violoncello (UA, 2021)

Lee, Yongbom (*1987): Rebus III for flute, clarinet, violin, percussion (UA, 2021)

Lewis, George (*1952): Mnemosis for ensemble (2012)

Ligeti, György Sándor (1923-2006): Zehn Stücke for wood wind quintet (1969)

Liik, Marianna (*1992): Helide kardin (Veil of Sounds) for flute, clarinet, piano, violin, cello (2019)

Lindberg, Magnus Gustaf Adolf (*1958): Linea d’Ombra for flute, saxophone, guitar and percussion (1981)

Lindberg, Magnus Gustaf Adolf (*1958): Corrente for ensemble (1992)

Loggins-Hull, Allison (*1982): The Pattern for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, percussion, piano (2020)

Logothetis, Anestis (1921-1994): STYX (1968)

Lunn, Ben (*1990): Three European Concerns (UA, 2022)

Ma, Kevin Laiyin (*2006): Anthroporosion for flute/piccolo, clarinet, violin, cello, piano (UA, 2024)

Ma, Kevin Laiyin (*2006): Träumerei? for flute, violin, bass (UA, 2024)

Mackiewicz, Grzegorz (*1975): Ah, longues du nuit for soprano, flute, saxophone, guitar and piano (UA, 2015)

Maïda, Clara (*1963): Holes and Bones for flute, clarinet, violin, and cello (2002)

Matalon, Martin (*1958): Spinning Lines for clarinet, french horn, violin, orchestra and electronics (2017)

McNamara, Peter (*1980): Landscape of Diffracted Colours for mixed chamber ensemble and pre-recorded electronics (2005)

Mex, Henry (*1962): Arbeit for speaker (text by Matthias Nawrat), flute, bass clarinet, violin, cello (UA, 2024)

Modarresifar, Farnaz (*1989): La Pêcheuse De Perles for flute and clarinet (2015)

Moultaka, Zad (*1967): Absence (Our, VI. mouvement) for alto flute and mezzo soprano (2007)

Muczynski, Robert (1929-2010): Duos for flute and clarinet op. 24 (1991)

Mukai, Wataru (*1993): Psi for ensemble (UA, 2018)

Murail, Tristan (*1947): Treize couleurs du soleil couchant for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello, piano and electronics (1978)

Murail, Tristan (*1947): Allégories for flute, clarinet, horn, violin, violincello, percussion and electronics (1989)

Miyagi, Michio (1894-1956): Haru no Umi for flute and harp (arr.)

Negrón, Angélica (1981): Dust for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and tape (2015)

Nelson, Jalalu-Kalvert (*1951): Soundmages for free instrumentation (2021)

Nelson, Jalalu-Kalvert (*1951): Jim Is Still Crowing for solo trumpet and ensemble (UA/US premiere, 2022)

Nelson, Jalalu-Kalvert (*1951): A deep field of violet for alto flute and violin (1982)

Nelson, Jalalu-Kalvert (*1951): Black Rain/Later Is Now for flute, clarinet, bassoon, viola, cello, and percussion (UA) (2024)

Nešić, Snežana (*1972): à la recherche de temps se perdant for flute, clarinet, accordion and electric piano (UA) (2023)

Nielsen, Carl August (1865–1931): Wind Quintet op. 43 (1922)

Nigmatullina, Alsu (*1989): Faksimile for flute and percussion (UA, 2021)

Nilsson, Ivo (*1966): Doppler Wobbler - double concerto for bassoon, viola and ensemble (2011/12)

Noda, Teruyuki (1940-2022): Eclogue for flute and percussion (1971)

Obermüller, Karola (*1977): reflejos distantes for bass flute, bass clarinet, violin, cello (2006)

Oliveros, Pauline (1932-2016): Thirteen Changes (for Malcolm Goldstein) (1986)

Pagh-Paan, Younghi (*1945): Man-Nam II for alto flute and string trio (1977/85)

Palestrina/Guth/Ebrahimi/Czaske/Aljouja: MISSA MELASUREJ (2019)

Park, EunKyung: Interlacing II for flute, clarinet, cello, piano (UA, 2021/2023)

Park, Gayeong: Sin (Genesis 2-3) for flute, clarinet, cello, piano (UA, 2023)

Park, Jiwon: Beyond Illusion for flute, cello, piano (UA, 2023)

Parsons, Michael (*1938): Walk (1969)

Pérez Mendoza, Wingel Gilberto (*1982): Los tres horizontes del cielo for flute, bassoon, piano and percussion (UA) (2022)

Piri Niri, Nazanin (*1985): Capriccio for flute and violoncello (UA, 2021)

Poppe, Enno (*1969): Salz for ensemble (2005)

Poppe, Enno (*1969): Speicher I for big ensemble (2010)

Poppe, Enno (*1969): Scherben for chamber ensemble (2004)

Poppe, Enno (*1969): Gelöschte Lieder for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello and piano (1996-99)

Pospelova, Anna (*1986): “K” for bass flute and violin (2017)

Poulenc, Francis Jean Marcel (1899-1963): Sextet for piano and wind quintet op. 100 (1931-32)

Prins, Stefan (*1979): No habrá una sola cosa no sea una nube for piano, flute/piccolo, oboe, clarinet/bass clarinet, bassoon/contrabassoon (2003)

Quantz, Johann Joachim (1697-1773): Trio Sonata in C major, QV 2:Anh.3. for flute, recorder and basso continuo

Quantz, Johann Joachim (1697-1773): Sonata for 3 flutes in D major, QV 3:3.2

Quesada, Roberto Peña: Tres Piezas for flute and guitar

Quislant García, Javier (*1984): a su sinuoso paso for big ensemble (2018, UA)

Raab, Jakob (*1995): Glasschach Redux for ensemble (2018, UA)

Radivojević, Nemanja (*1981): ogledi i iskustva: …skladnošću prilazim… for sextett and live-electronics (UA, 2022)

Ramos Rodríguez, Diego (*1989): Pieces to play once and never again - version for quartet, electronics, live-video (2021)

Ravel, Maurice (1875-1937): Introduction and Allegro for harp, flute, clarinet and string quartet (1905)

Ravel, Maurice (1875-1937): Chanson madécasses for soprano, flute/piccolo, violoncello and piano (1925)

Reich, Steve (*1936): Vermont counterpoint for eleven flutes (or solo flute and tape) (1982)

Rieks, Franz Ferdinand August (*1998): Nächtliche Geheimnisse | Das tagferne Warten der Kristallschädel for ensemble (2017/18)

Reck Miranda, Eduardo (*1963): Multiverse Symphony (UA, 2023)

Reudenbach, Michael (*1956): (Bruch)Stück(e) for six instruments

Romitelli, Fausto (1963-2004): Mediterraneo - I. Les idoles du soleil for ensemble (1992)

Romitelli, Fausto (1963-2004): Mediterraneo - II. L'azur des déserts for voice and fourteen instruments (1992–93)

Ropartz, Joseph Guy (1864-1955): Prélude, Marine et Chansons for flute, harp and string trio (1928)

Rosenberger, Katharina (*1971): Blur for bass flute, saxophone, violin, violoncello, piano and percussion (2019)

Rosing-Schow, Niels (*1954): Empreintes du temps for flute and violoncello (2006)

Rosmanich, Macarena (*1981): A Sky of Thousand Windows for ensemble (2021, UA)

Roussel, Albert Charles Paul Marie (1869-1937): Sérénade op. 30 for flute, harp and string trio (1925)

Roussel, Albert Charles Paul Marie (1869-1937): Deux Poèmes de Ronsard op. 26 for soprano and flute (1924)

Rutter, John Milford (*1945): Requiem soprano soloist, mixed choir and ensemble (1985)

Rydzewska, Żaneta (*1991): spit it out for flute, clarinet, string trio (UA, 2018) 

Rykova, Elena (*1991): TypewriteERyk for flute, clarinet and accordion (2013)

Rzewski, Frederic (1938-2021): Chains for ensemble (1986)

Rzewski, Frederic (1938-2021): Les Moutons de Panurge for any number of musicians playing melody instruments and any number of nonmusicians playing anything (1969)

Saariaho, Kaija (1952-2023): Adjö for soprano, flute/piccolo and guitar (1982)

Saariaho, Kaija (1952-2023): Cendres for flute, violoncello and piano (1998)

Saariaho, Kaija (1952-2023): Changing Light for soprano and flute (2002)

Saariaho, Kaija (1952-2023): Mirrors for flute and violoncello (1997)

Saint-Saens, Camille (1885-1921): Une flûte invisible for voice, flute and piano (1885)

Sarwas, Jakub (*1977): One in opposite for (bass)flute, oboe and bassoon (2006)

Saunders, James (*1972): Everybody do this for at least two players (2014)

Scelsi, Giacinto (1905-1988): Rucke di Guck for piccolo and oboe (clarinet or soprano saxophone) (1957)

Scelsi, Giacinto (1905-1988): Manto per Quattro for voice, flute, trombone and violoncello (1974)

Scelsi, Giacinto (1905-1988): Ko-Lho for flute and clarinet (1966)

Scelsi, Giacinto (1905-1988): Hyxos for flute and percussion (1955)

Scelsi, Giacinto (1905-1988): Anahit for violin and eighteen instruments (1965)

Schüttler, Martin (*1974): Schweine for artificial voices, ensemble, story and live electronics (2021/2023)

Schönberg, Arnold (1874-1951): Pierrot Lunaire op. 21 for voice and ensemble (1921)

Schubert/Guth, Maximilian: Fremd bin ich eingezogen for ensemble (2018)

Schulhoff, Erwin (1894-1942): Concertino for flute/piccolo, viola and double bass (1925)

Schulhoff, Erwin (1894-1942): Die Mondsüchtige - Tanzgroteske in einem Aufzug von Vítězslav Nezval (1925)

Sciarrino, Salvatore (*1947): Omaggio a Burri for alto flute, bass clarinet and violin (1995)

Sciarrino, Salvatore (*1947): Le stagioni artificiali for violin and ensemble (2006)

Sciarrino, Salvatore (*1947): Muro d’orizzonte for alto flute, cor anglais and bass clarinet (1998)

Seyedi, Elnaz (*1982): detaillierter Blick for ensemble (2016/17)

Shankar, Ravi (1920-2012): “L'Aube enchantée” sur le Raga Todi for flute and guitar (or harp)

Shariatzadeh, Golnaz (*1996): MOM for ensemble and animation (UA, 2023

Shcherbakov, Igor (*1955): Concerto for flute solo, percussion and strings "Oleg Kyva in memory" (CHE, 2008)

Shin, Chaewon: Into Alzheimer‘s for flute, clarinet, cello, piano (UA, 2023)

Shin, Dongsun (*1990): Existenz des Verschwindens for flute, bassoon, violin, cello (UA, 2023)

Shiomi, Mieko (*1938): Mirror Piece Nr. 3 for performer, mirror and light (1966)

Shlomowitz, Matthew (*1975): Letter Piece No. 1 for two performers (2007)

Silvestrov, Valentin (*1937): Trio for flute, trumpet and celesta (1962)

Skalkottas, Nikos (1904-1949): Octet op. 30 (1931)

Soper, Kate (*1981): „Only the words mean what they say“ for soprano and flute(s) (2012)

Spoliansky, Mischa (1898-1985): Das Lila Lied (arr. N. Bernstein) (1920)

Stockhausen, Karlheinz (1928-2007): Kontrapunkte for ten instruments (1952/1953)

Strauch, Alexander (*1971): Wir leben in einem Schwarzen Loch for flute, bassoon, violin, cello (UA, 2023)

Surpris, Jelani (*2001): tap into/in too for flute, cello and piano (UA, 2023)

Takemitsu, Tōru (1930-1996): Toward the sea for flute and guitar (or harp) (1981)

Takemitsu, Tōru (1930-1996): Masque (Continu) / Incidental for two flutes (1959)

Takemitsu, Tōru (1930-1996): Fantasma/Cantos II for trombone and orchestra (1994)

Tara, Dragos: ESCAPE ROOM#3 : STREKOZY for sextett and video (UA, 2022)

Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767): Six Sonatas without bass for two flutes (TWV 40:101-106) op. 2 (1727)

Tcherepnin, Alexander Nikolajewitsch (1899-1977): Trio op. 59 for three flutes

Tolstova, Tatiana (*1994): Salvo d'oro for ensemble (UA, 2020)

Tonia, Lina (*1985): Ikesia IV for ensemble (2006, rev. 2024)

Trybucki, Adrien (*1993): Ondulació for flute, viola, electric guitar and percussion (UA, 2018)

Uebayashi, Yuko: Suite pour flute et violoncello (2004)

Vaughan, Alex: Kal Hevel for piccolo and bass clarinet (2017)

Villa-Lobos, Heitor (1887-1959): Assobio a Jato (The Jet Whistle) for flute and violoncello (1955)

Villa-Lobos, Heitor (1887-1959): Distrubacio de fleures for flute and guitar (1932)

Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741): Trio Sonata for violin, flute and basso continuo in D major RV 84

Wang, Lu (*1982): Urban Inventory for ensemble and samples (2015)

Wataru, Mukai (*1993): Psi for ensemble (UA, 2018)

Weill, Kurt (1900-1950): Silbersee Suite for orchestra (arr. Salomon/Bernstein) (1933)

Weill/Brecht: Alabama Song (arr. N. Bernstein/Kornéev) (1927)

Weill/Brecht: Liebeslied / Zuhälterballade (arr. N. Bernstein) (1928)

Weill/Brecht: Seeräuber Jenny (arr. N. Bernstein/Kornéev) (1928)

Weill/Deval: Le Train du ciel (arr. N. Bernstein/Kornéev) (1934)

Weill/Deval: Youkali (arr. N. Bernstein/Kornéev) (1934)

Widmann, Jörg (*1973): Liebeslied for eight instruments (2010)

Wigger, Gaudenz Werner (*1998): Stück for ensemble (UA, 2021)

Wolff, Christian (*1934): Trio I for flute, trumpet and violoncello (1951)

Wyrch, Selina (*1997): Terrain for flute, violoncello and piano (UA, 2020)

Xenakis, Iannis (1922-2001): Nyuyo (Soleil couchant) for shakuhachi, sangen and two kotos (arr. for flute and three guitars) (1985)

Xenakis, Iannis (1922-2001): Dmaathen for oboe and percussion (arr. for flute) (1976)

Yang, Youngkwang: Areciba…….msg. for flute, clarinet and cello (UA, 2023)

Zapf, Helmut (*1956): four broken frames for four wood frames for flute, bassoon, violin, cello (UA, 2023)

Zhang, Tingrui: Treibende Blätter/浮游( fú yóu) for flute, clarinet, bassoon, viola, cello, and percussion (UA, 2024)

Žerovnik, Juraj Marko: MU for ensemble (UA, 2018)

Ziffels, Michael Maria (*1967): When God decided to invent for soprano and ensemble (UA, 2023)

Zimmermann, Bernd Alois (1918-1970): Canto di Speranza for solo cello and orchestra (1957)

Žuraj, Vito (*1979): Framed for ensemble (2011)


flute + piano